
Grand Rapids Chorus Sweet Adelines creates a newsletter periodically to keep our friends, supporters and followers up-to-date with the activities and events of the chorus.  It is delivered via our friends email mailing list.

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The Quarter Note - April 2024

The Quarter Note - January 2024

In the Songlight Sweet Adelines this Quarter:
Betty Franklin
Colleen Ball
Marielle Levert
Marie Koltvedt
Cyndy McAtee

Penny Hock Promotion

The Quarter Note - October 2023

The Quarter Note - July 2023

The Quarter Note - April 2023

The Quarter Note - January 2023

The Quarter Note - October 2022

The Quarter Note Attachments

Coaching ROI - Denise Vandyken
Conversation with Coaches - Elaine Martin
Copyright © 2024 Grand Rapids Chorus Sweet Adelines